Home LIFE + STYLE Recycle your car, get $850 off an ebike!

Recycle your car, get $850 off an ebike!


Have you ever wanted to trade in your old gas guzzler for a new, cleaner mode of transportation?

With this new program in British Columbia, you can receive $850 off a new ebike from Rad Power Bikes for doing just that.

Under SCRAP-IT, qualified B.C. residents who purchase a new ebike and ditch their old car are eligible for not only $750 cash back, but also a $100 discount off any one of our models!

  • Apply online directly through SCRAP-IT.
  • Once approved, purchase one of our ebikes and receive $100 off the sale price.
  • Donate your car at a drop-off location.
  • Show your receipt from our retail location* and claim your incentive.
  • Enjoy your bike and the extra cash!

*Placing an order online? Not sure where to start? Give them a call at 877.299.9404 x3 and they’ll help you through it.

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