Home LIFE + STYLE How much time should be set aside for moving to another city

How much time should be set aside for moving to another city


Organizing a move takes time – a lot of time. And it is not always possible to give an accurate estimate of how much time you will need. Some moments can be predicted, and some can not.

Often when estimating the time for moving people estimate the time to collect things, forgetting about the other stages. This is what leads to fuss and unnecessary excitement, forgetfulness, and stupid actions. In this article, we will make the most comprehensive estimate and list all the factors that went into it.

It’s impossible to say exactly how much time you’ll need to prepare for your move, but the information below should provide a general context. It may be worth adding a margin to your calculations and start organizing everything well in advance. The more effort and time you put into planning your move, the less stressful the actual move will be.

The Planning Stage

Four to Five Months Before the Move

  • Establish the month of your move. This is the month you will base your move on and within it, move the dates as you see fit. This will be the starting point for all your plans.
  • Make a plan of what you need to do. Study the information, what you need to consider, what you need to do, and in what time frame. Analyze your introductory circumstances and land them into specific numbers and actions in your plan.
  • Start your financial preparation. How far in advance to do this depends on your income and the amount you need. Calculate not only the amount directly on the road and the cost of transporting things but also the rent, for example, it may come out that in the month of moving you will still pay for your previous home and all ready for a new one, this is a nuance that is forgotten. In general, the earlier you start to form a budget for the move, the calmer it will pass and no surprises will not prevent you.

Preparation Stage

1-3 Months Before the Move

  • Finding a job sometimes takes a couple of months depending on the sphere in which you work. And no one can cancel the moral preparation. Make a resume, find useful contacts, and act. Some people find a new position in less than a week, while others take months. It is better to be cautious and start looking early.
  • Finding a place to live depends on whether you are buying or renting, the season of the year, your realtor, and of course, luck.
  • Choosing a school for the kids. The very choice of school should start after you have decided exactly where you will live. You can pick a school in 1-2 weeks, but you should do it 1-2 months in advance because many schools have a waiting period for admission decisions and it’s worth considering.
  • Getting to know the city. If you are moving to an unfamiliar city, it makes sense to visit it, explore 2-3 areas of interest to you, study the standard of living, transportation infrastructure, social conditions, etc. This way you will start the adaptation stage in advance and it will not be acute after the move.

6 Weeks Before the Move

  • Concretize your plan of action. During the preparation period, you have new information and more specifics from which you can build a clearer plan of action.
  • Do the undone. If you don’t have a job, housing, and school by this point, it’s time to get on that.
  • Choose a transportation company. Look through the options, compare their offerings, get in touch, and find out the details. Including a consultation will give you some good advice. Discuss what additional services you may need: packing of your things, selection of packing materials for non-standard things, delivery of automobile, storage, etc., as well as other services.

4 Weeks Before the Move

  • Book your chosen accommodation. If you haven’t already done so, now is the last point so that you have a place to come to in your new city.
  • Document Gathering. Medical records, dental, vet, social security, school record DS, and educational credentials. This will take 1-2 weeks, but closer to the move, you won’t have time.
  • Make a schedule of disconnections: gas, water, electricity, internet, cable, satellite TV, etc.
  • Notify the necessary people of your new address. Notify employers, friends and relatives, attorneys, accountants, banks, companies and insurance companies, schools, magazines, newspapers, etc. of your new address. Apply for a change of address at the post office and find out what else will be required of you.
  • Take stock of whether everything is moving according to plan, check the checklist, and adjust the plan if necessary.

Two Weeks Before the Move

  • Go through your belongings and decide what you are taking with you and what you are not. Sort through, sell, donate, or throw away unnecessary items.
  • Give yourself a few days of rest before the tug of moving directly. Tune in to the new place and the anticipation of the new phase.

Moving Stage

1 Week Before the Move

  • Start packing. Allow one day per room if you’re doing it yourself, or two days in total if you’ve hired a moving company with a packing service.
  • Ask friends to help if necessary. This is also how you will spend your last days together and say goodbye.
  • Have a farewell party if you want one.
  • Do the final cleaning before you leave, either by yourself or by hiring a cleaning company.

2 Days Before the Move

  • Organize the necessary paperwork.
  • Make sure there will be no food left in the refrigerator after you leave so it doesn’t spoil there.
  • Meet the moving company.
  • Pack your belongings and load them into the truck.

Moving Day

Check to make sure you have all the necessary belongings and documents with you.

Arrival Day

Unload and start unpacking your belongings. This usually takes 1-3 days.

After Moving in

After moving in the first week, you will have organizational and official things to do. Setting up your home, connecting necessary services and facilities, getting acquainted with your new job and your children’s school.

And then – the adaptation period, which lasts 1-2 months. This time is required to gradually finalize all affairs in the new place, to finally settle in and build a new style and schedule of life, to get used to it a little and even to get the first acquaintances and new habits.


In total, the total preparation for the move will be about 4-6 months. The active phase, when all your attention is needed, is 2 weeks for packing, moving, and settling in at the new place. How far in advance to prepare – the choice is yours.

Moving is called a complicated affair, but from an organizational point of view there are no complexities in it, there is a plan and stages of its implementation. What can be a challenge is your state of mind, your readiness for the move, and how you support yourself along the way. Good luck with your new place and your new life journey!


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