4th Annual Global Energy Race by Dempster’s

A family-focused event celebrating healthy living, physical activity and giving back to the community


WHEN: Sunday, September 22, 2019 8 a.m. (10K) and 9 a.m. (3K)

WHERE: Ashbridges Bay Park, Toronto, ON

WHAT: The fourth annual Global Energy Race by Dempster’s, family activities and entertainment, influencers and local celebrity appearances, onsite interview opportunities, etc.

WHO:  Heather Crees, Vice President, Marketing, Bimbo Canada

Henry Chiu, Director of Development and Marketing, North York Harvest Food Bank;

Tracy Moore, GER Ambassador, Host, CityLine; and, Georgia Eliopoulos (ExtraSparklesPlease), Daniel Ocean, Karen Kwan (Health & Swellness), Matt Benfield, Maya Fitzpatrick (Mayahood), Zehra Allibhai (thefitnest.com) and Sasha Exeter (SoSasha.com)

Previous GER winners and participants

Registration Details for the Global Energy Race by Dempster’s:

Registration is $30 for the 10K run and $20 for the 3K family walk/run, with children 16 years old and under invited to register and participate for free.


For more information or to register for the race, visit: https://raceroster.com/events/2019/23508/global-energy-race-by-dempsters

Registration is open now through to September 20, 2019

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